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Francis Bacon               


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Below you will find details regarding state corrections/prison record searches.  These are also known as Instant Criminal searches.

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CRIMINAL - State Corrections Records

The state corrections record, or prison incarceration information, is obtained from statewide Department of Corrections databases that are maintained by each state, and are available online through an instant database. The search provides information pertaining to incarceration records for any time spent in a state prison, and do not contain arrest records.  This search does NOT include Federal or County incarceration records. Only individuals convicted of a felony are incarcerated in state prisons (felonies are usually crimes punishable by at least one year in jail).
Unlike most of our competitors we advertise our prices right up front during the ordering process. There are no games, we give you an estimated price, and then the exact price when you have completed all the details needed for the order. You do not have to battle your way through sales people to get and account set up and obtain the records and results that you need. Click HERE to start a record search or background check, or use the link at the top of this page!


This source offers the benefit of speed and ease of access.  However, in general this database will not contain information as current as those records for which a hand search is performed at the state corrections records offices.


The information released by each state varies. Some states provide records only for subjects currently incarcerated, while other states will also provide information on parolees and past in mates of the state prison system.  California does not report information on current inmates.


38 states allow us to perform Instant Access Database searches of their prison records. The remainder of the states do not allow online access, and searches must be conducted by phone, fax, or one of our researchers must make a physical search of the records.


Order an additional search of past addresses and make sure that you search all the states where the subject could have a prison record.




NOTE: If the person that you are searching on is currently in prison, but their trial or court proceedings are still in progress, or in the process of being adjudicated, and if the person has not posted bail, this will not show up on their record. Until they are convicted, their prison record will not appear



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