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Deciding to which companies you grant credit is extremely important.  The wrong decision can often seriously affect cash flow.



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Business Credit


CREDIT - Business Credit Report




The executive summary gives a quick overview of a business’ credit behavior.  Here, problem areas can be identified, and then researched more thoroughly in the data contained in the main body of the report. Below is a brief description of each part of the Executive Summary:


  1. Description of Business - Company's primary and secondary business categories plus the date of incorporation.

  2. Days Beyond Terms (DBT) - Dollar weighted average number of days past the invoice date that business pays its bills.

  3. Predicted DBT - A forecast of the expected days beyond terms for 60 days into the future, based on historical credit trends.

  4. DBT Norms - Compares the company's average DBT against the average DBT of other businesses within the same industry, and the average DBT for all industries.

  5. DBT range based on current payment behavior - Indicates where the current DBT falls in comparison to other US businesses.

  6. Historical payment guide - Includes, six month account balance range, highest credit amount extended, industry payment comparison and payment trend indicator.

  7. Significant derogatory data - summarizes collected public record data and other derogatory information, including; bankruptcies within the last nine years, tax liens, UCC filings, reported collection amounts and write-off telecommunication accounts.


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