"Knowledge is Power."             
Francis Bacon               


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Deciding to which companies you grant credit is extremely important.  The wrong decision can often seriously affect cash flow.



  Personal Credit
  Bankruptcy Report
Business Credit


CREDIT - Business Credit Report

We provide INSTANT business reports through our sister site BusinessReports USA which is directly connected to a business credit database. No waiting! For this reason, when you order a business report from Backgrounds USA you will be taken directly to the BusinessReports USA instant online ordering system. This site meets all our high standards of online security with encrypted connections and secure ordering systems.
Your task is to decide which businesses to grant credit to, and how much credit to grant. Our job is to provide the information on which you base that decision.  We help you make solid, informed credit granting decisions quickly. We are an EXPERIAN® authorized agent, and our direct access to the extensive EXPERIAN® credit and business databases means that we can offer you direct INSTANT access to the most up-to-date business credit report information. You will see the report on-screen, and a formatted copy ready for printing will be delivered in minutes by email.


For more information on the breakdown of our reports, click on the links below to see each component and part of an example report.

            Executive Summary

            Trade Payments

            Payment Trends

            UCC Profile

            Company Background

            Standard & Poor’s Information

            Government Information


The Business Credit report gives an unparalleled look at the workings of a business. Reports are made up of 7 separate parts listed above, each of which give you a close look at the financial viability of a business enterprise, its history, structure and past financial performance. The report contains payment performance, and public record information, such as bankruptcies, tax liens and judgments.  As well as an exhaustive credit analysis it includes a background history of the company, the Standard & Poor's audited financials and UCC Filings information. A one-page executive summary allows you to evaluate your risk at a glance. In addition to payment performance, the report contains a significant amount of background and historical information. Fraud can be avoided by a thorough look at a company's identity, its date and place of incorporation, the registered officers and legal representation.


Our Business Credit Reports are based on objective actual payment history. The data is collected from credit grantors like yourself, to ensure quality and consistency. The report is an excellent source of information on both small and large businesses. Small business enterprises can often be difficult to assess, but these credit databases give a clear and accurate picture of their financial situation and credit worthiness. Each report is complete and is presented as a single and easy to read document.


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